Full Script
To order supplements online, please click here. To begin, create an account followed by emailing Dr. Debby for the next step invitation.
Researched Nutritionals
To order supplements online, please click here. Email Dr. Debby for promotional offer code information.
Doctor Supplement Store
To order supplements online, please click here. Registration code is DH362. Enroll in Auto Ship for automatic deliveries – FREE shipping and 5% off! Rewards: purchases earn points for future savings. Free shipping on orders over $150. Save 10% on your first order by using coupon code HCPC362WELCOME.
You can also order by phone toll free (877) 846-7122 from 8am – 6pm CST.
Types of products include adrenal support, anti-inflammatories, anti-oxidants, cold and flu remedies, detoxification support, digestive enzymes and products, essential fatty acids and oils (ex: cod liver oil), general herbs, herbs for viruses, bacteria, and yeast, mental health support, mitochondrial support, natural anti-histamine and allergy products, probiotics, sleep support, and vitamins and minerals.
Supplement companies include Aroma MD, Biobotanical Research, Biogenesis, Biopure, Bioray, Bioresource, Biotics, Blue Poppy Herbs, Body Health, Boiron, Brain Child Nutritionals, Carlson, Child Life, Designs for Health, Drucker Labs, Ecological Formulas, Econugenics, Emerson Ecologics, Empirical Labs, Golden Flower Chinese Herbs, Houston Nutraceuticals, Integrative Therapeutics, Julia Rose Botanicals, Klaire, Kirkman, Lumina Health, Master Supplements, Mountain States, Health Products, Natura Health, Neuroscience, New Beginnings, Nordic Naturals, Nourish Life, NOW, Nutramedix Herbs, Dr. Ohhiro’s Probiotics, Orthomolecular, Pekana, Pharmax, Physiologics, Pleomorphic Sanum, Premier Research Labs, Prothera, Protocol for Life, Pure Encapsulations, Quicksilver, Scientific, Rainbow Light, Reasisorb, Researched Nutritionals, Revitapop, Soluna, Standard Process, Supernutrition, Therabiotics, Thorne, Trace Minerals, Vital Nutrients, Vitanica, Well-in-Hand, Wise Women Herbals, World Nutrition and Xymogen.
Preventing Autism & ADHD Book
Learn how to protect your child from increasingly common childhood diseases – starting before pregnancy!
Rates of autism and ADHD are skyrocketing.
How can a woman protect the health of her future child? This book provides women with safe recommendations for a healthier pregnancy and new baby.
Researchers have found dozens of risk factors for autism and ADHD. Dr. Hamilton has reviewed over 600 published medical studies to help women reduce their risk factors.
Chapter Sample: Toxic Beauty
Chapter Sample: Building a Healthy Digestive System
Dr. Debby Hamilton has the following upcomingwebinars available.
Keep an eye out for announcements about our 2024 webinars with Dr. Hamilton, where she will delve into insightful discussions, explore groundbreaking topics, and take a deep dive into the wealth of knowledge in Holistic Pediatrics. Stay tuned for an enriching experience!

This course was a huge eye opener to my own current health needs as well as preparation for pregnancy. I can’t imagine how I could have gotten any of this high quality information without this course. Thank you so much for this wealth of knowledge.
K.B., Denver, CO

This website is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, diagnoses, treatment or services. Dr. Debby Hamilton provides information for education from this site and from links to other websites. This information is not a substitute for professional medical care. Dr. Debby Hamilton is not liable for any personal medical advice taken from this website or one of its links.